A live concert delivered to your doorstep

The early days of ride-sharing

Back in the day when ride-sharing wasn’t as ubiquitous as it is now, Uber would gain attention and awareness by doing fun and unexpected activations in different cities. One of those was Uber Live, a promotion in Chicago where a concert would be “delivered” to you.

The Uber Live mark was designed to have energy and movement even while static, but really shined when it was animated.

A balancing act

One of the most interesting challenges for this fast-moving project was having stakeholders from two different companies wanting to be true to their brand. At the time, Uber’s branding was sleek and centered around their black car experience and Target obviously has a well-loved brand featuring their iconic mark and red color. Figuring out a way to have both coexist was a fun puzzle to solve that ultimately served both brands well.

“Co-branding is always a nuanced challenge. A balancing act that, when done right, lets both brands shine.”


AIGA Cal Poly